Historically, many SE tags have been inspired from Monero source code (see [tag:monero-wallet-cli], [tag:monero-wallet-gui], [tag:txpool] and other examples). I followed the [conversation][2] related to this [pull request][1] on Reddit and similarly would like to rename [tag:mixin] to ring size [tag:ring-size] on Stack Exchange. The [pull request][1] referenced above only encompasses a visual change in the GUI aimed at making Monero terminology easier to understand for those that may misinterpret the meaning of [tag:mixin]. Before proposing a more drastic pull request removing [tag:mixin] from all Monero source code why not test [tag:ring-size] on Stack Exchange first to see how it is received? I prefer [tag:ring-size] but also [approved][3] a [tag:decoys] and [tag:possible-signers] synonym based on [community feedback][4]. I [created][3] a [tag:mixin] synonym for [tag:ring-size]. Currently both tags still exist. Now that we have reached broad consensus I think it is safe to move forward and merge the tags. [1]:https://github.com/monero-project/monero-core/pull/430 [2]:https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/5pmz3f/maybe_a_good_idea_to_rename_mixin_in_the_code_to/ [3]:https://monero.stackexchange.com/tags/synonyms?tab=newest&filter=all [4]:https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/5qmnac/mixin_vs_ring_size_please_share_your_opinions/dd0gv1m/